PII Members


  • Acquire PII Membership Card/Kartu Tanda Anggota (KTA) as mandated by Engineer Act 2014 (UU No.11 tahun 2014 tentang Keinsinyuran)
  • Eligible for “IPP/IPM/IPU”certification as acknowledged by the International Professional Engineers from ASEAN Engineers and Asia Pacific Engineers (MRA – Mutual Recognition Agreement) by following the process of Professional Engineers Certification Professional Engineers Certification is the competence required for STRI (Surat Tanda Registrasi Insinyur) as mandated by Engineer Act 2014
  • Get a free monthly e-magazine about Engineering through electronic mail
  • Eligible for discount fee of any BKTI-PII Workshops as to fulfill the mandatory Continuing Professional Development (CPD/PKB)

How to Register

  1. Fill the Membership Form (link)
  2. Copy of Valid Permanent Resient ID (Kartu Tanda Penduduk)
  3. Latest Photograph (3x4cm, color)
  4. Copy of Legalised Bachelor Degree Certificate
  5. CV/Resume in Bahasa Indonesia (format doc atau docx only)
  6. Proof/Receipt of Administration Payment as much as Rp 100.000,- by making a transfer to:
    Bank Mandiri:
    a/n Persatuan Insinyur Indonesia / Pengurus Pusat
    Cabang Jakarta Krakatau Steel 070-00-0469517-2

Please complete the document required and send to email : sekretariat@bkti-pii.or.id

To register PII Membership, every applicant candidate is required to complete above documents and attend Lokakarya (LSIP) as follow:

  • Registration Fee Rp 2.200.000 (including the Membership Card)
  • One-day Workshop LSIP at 08.00 – 17.00
  • Applicants will acquire LSIP Materials, such as the introductory of Professional Engineers and how to fill the FAIP form
  • For further information or in-house training request please contact Diklat PII at 021-31904251 or visit https://pii.or.id/lokakarya-sertifikasi-insinyur-profesional-14-februari-2017

Administration Fee and Registration Fee must be paid together along with the submission of Membership Form, FAIP form, and Registration Form LPJKN
Download Membership Form Here
Please complete the document required and send to email : sekretariat@bkti-pii.or.id
For further information please visit http://pii.or.id/

Professional Engineers Certification

Requirements & How to Register PII Professional Engineers Certification

  • Minimum of 3 years working experience
  • Complete the FAIP form
  • Copy Certificate of Bachelor’s degree in Engineering (Sarjana Teknik) – (1)
  • Latest Photograph (3x4cm, color) – (1)
  • Certification Fee :
    – Insinyur Profesional Pratama : Rp. 1.100.000,-
    – Insinyur Profesional Madya : Rp. 1.650.000,-
    – Insinyur Profesional Utama : Rp. 2.200.000,-

How to Register to (LPJKN) SKA

  • Complete the LPJKN Form
  • Foto copy Sertifikat Insinyur Profesional, 1 lembar
  • Copy Certificate of Bachelor’s degree in Engineering (Sarjana Teknik) – (1)
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Latest Photograph (3x4cm, color) – (1) /SKA
  • LPJK Registration Fee Rp. 300.000,- / SKA

Administration Fee and Registration Fee must be paid together along with the submission of Membership Form, FAIP form, and Registration Form LPJKN
Download Membership Form Here
lease complete the document required and send to email : sekretariat@bkti-pii.or.id
For further information please visit http://pii.or.id/